Welcome to the Olympus Music Program. Be sure you have these things handled:
In a Nutshell Required Performance Activities added to your calendar.
You have a copy of the Olympus Music Calendar 2019-20 with ALL of our pre-scheduled activities.
This website bookmarked and accessible on your computer.
You've signed up to REMIND for your child's class (see below)
You've clicked on the Google Parent Form below and provided your contact information.
First parent meeting: Monday, August 26th, 7-8pm on the stage at Olympus.
You have a list of materials for our classes so that all of them are available to your child by Monday, August 26th.
Band: If using a school instrument, whether continuing or new, you will need to fill out a new annual rental agreement form. See the link above. Once I have your information, I will create a loan agreement form and send it home with your musician. Upon receiving that form returned from you signed, your child will be able to take the instrument back and forth.