Khan Academy Review From Prior Courses

Khan Academy Review From Prior Courses

Khan Academy Extra Practice Links (8th grade standards)

Khan Academy Extra Practice Links (8th grade standards)

The lessons are listed in the order that we will be covering them this year (not the order that they appear in the textbook)
 Activities noted next to link is a reference to the text activity most similar to the Khan Practice
Module 3: Modeling with Linear Equations
Topic 1: Solving Linear Equations
Module 5: Applying Powers
Topic 2: Volume of curved figures
Volume of cones
Module 3: Modeling with Linear Equations
Topic 1: Solving Linear Equations
Module 1: Transforming Geometric Objects
Topic 1: Rigid Motion Transformations
Topic 2: Dilations 
Topic 3:  Line and Angle Relationships
Exterior Angle Theorem Practice (from - NOT KHAN)
Module 2: Developing Function Foundations
Topic 3: Introduction to Functions
Topic 1: From Proportions to Linear Relationships
Slope from a Graph (Activity 2.2)

Topic 2: Linear Relationships
Slope from Two Points (Activity 2.3)
Graphing Standard Form (Activity 6.3)
Slope from an Equation (Activity 6.4)
Topic 3: Introduction to Functions 
Compare linear function word problems
Recognize linear and nonlinear functions
Interpret Function Graphs
Module 3: Modeling with Linear Equations
Topic 2: Systems of Linear Equations
Systems of equations with graphing
Systems of equations with substitution
Systems of equations with elimination
Number of solutions for systems (algebraic)
Module 4: Expanding Number Systems
Topic 1: The Real Number System
Fractions as repeating decimals
Converting repeating decimals to fractions
Classify Rational and Irrational Numbers
Comparing irrational numbers
Topic 2: Pythagorean Theorem
Use Pythagorean Theorem to calculate side lengths of right triangles
Verify right triangles
Pythagorean theorem word problems
Module 5: Applying Powers
Topic 1: Exponents and Scientific Notation
Multiplying powers
Powers of powers
Dividing powers
Powers of products and quotients
Negative exponents
Quizlet Practice

Quizlet Practice